Heating Systems

Heating systems - a set of technical elements designed to receive and transfer the amount of heat necessary to maintain a temperature at a given level.
The Main Structural Elements of Heating Systems are:
  • Heat source - an element for obtaining heat
  • Heat pipes
  • Heating devices - elements for transferring heat to a room
“Tip-Top Industrial Solutions” provides services in the maintenance of heating systems:
  1. Technical Operation of Heating Systems - a set of services provided by competent specialists
  • Dispatching control of compliance with operating parameters of engineering systems during the maintenance of a building
  • Control and measurement measures related to the technical operation of the building, analysis of results, preparation of reports on the operation of the heating system
  • Adjustment of hydraulic automation of engineering systems
  • Regular inspection of pipelines during maintenance of building engineering systems, removal of contaminants, repair of faulty fittings, valves, and shut-off devices
2.Scheduled Preventive Repair of Heating Systems During Technical Operation. Most often, conducted at a seasonal frequency. Terms of scheduled preventative repair and maintenance can be specified in regulatory documents.
  • Annual flushing of heating systems as a whole (pipes, heat, exchangers)
  • Removal of scale and blockages during the maintenance of the building
  • Replacement of gasket, seals, elimination of leaks
  • Checking and replacing faulty control devices (pressure gauges, thermometers)
  • Cleaning and inspection of pumping systems during building maintenance
  • Disassembly and inspection of valves, replacement of faulty valves
  • Disassembly and inspection of reverse valves, replacement of faulty valves
  • Elimination of engineering counterslopes during maintenance in order to prevent air jams
  • Hydraulic testing of systems
3.Emergency Repairs
  • Tip-Top’s emergency service performs emergency repairs of any engineering system problems. We know very well that emergency situations do not run on a schedule. If you have problems with any engineering systems, call at any time of day. We will promptly and professionally eliminate any accident, 24/7!